Minister for Veterans` Affairs Yuliia Laputina discussed with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Ukraine Hyung Tae Kim cooperation on the implementation of a number of veteran projects

The new realities of life in the Ukrainian state require a new veteran policy, the formation of which is a priority for the Ukrainian Government. This was discussed at today's meeting of the Minister for Veterans` Affairs of Ukraine, Yuliia Laputina, with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Ukraine, Hyung Tae Kim.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

After welcoming the guests of the Ministry, its head first of all expressed her gratitude to the entire South Korean people for the support, humanitarian and military assistance provided by the country since the first day of full-scale russian aggression.

Speaking about the road map of the new veteran policy, the Minister noted that today the Ministry of Veterans` Affairs of Ukraine is implementing a number of important projects.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

In particular, the Ministry is initiating the creation of a scientific and practical mental health center "Borodyanka-Center" in Ukraine on the basis of the center for social and psychological rehabilitation of the population in the town of Borodyanka, Kyiv region, which was destroyed by the russian occupiers in March of last year.

In the restored facility, qualified assistance will be provided according to world standards, and the phenomena of genocide, which the russian army resorted to in relation to the Ukrainian people, will be studied.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

In order for the system of transition from military service to civilian life, which is the basis of Ukraine's new veteran policy, to be effective, it is important to provide Ukrainian Defenders with all the tools necessary for this.

It is for this reason that the Ministry of Veterans` Affairs of Ukraine is working on the creation of Veterans` Development Centers in all regions of the country. They should become unique platforms for training veterans and their families, their professional adaptation, and increasing their competitiveness on the labor market.

The pilot project to create the first Veterans` Development Center is planned to be implemented on the basis of the Vinnytsia National Technical University. Training in it will take place according to certified programs and areas: drawing, automation, information technologies in business, agricultural production, copter operator, welder, electrician, etc.

At the same time, the Ministry of Veterans` Affairs is working on the implementation of another much-needed project for veterans to purchase housing under preferential mortgage lending and financial leasing.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

The project provides coverage of 7 percent of the annual mortgage loan (within the “eOselya” (eng. – eHouse) affordable lending program); as well as coverage of 20 percent of the priority contribution (as part of the “eOselya” program).

The territory of the project is the entire territory controlled by Ukraine.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

As a result of the implementation of the project, more than five thousand Defenders, as well as persons with disabilities and family members of fallen soldiers, will use the terms of mortgage and leasing to provide their own housing.

To implement the project, $45.3 million is needed, which the Ministry expects to attract from international partners.

міністр у справах ветеранів юлія лапутіна обговорила з послом республіки корея в україні хьонг те кімом співпрацю з реалізації низки ветеранських проєктів

 At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to strengthen cooperation in the implementation of the new veteran policy in Ukraine.