Pavlo Bortnikov

Заступник Міністра у справах ветеранів України з питань цифрового розвитку, цифрових трансформацій і цифровізації


2007 - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’, speciality: ‘Economics and Entrepreneurship’, Bachelor of Marketing, teacher of Economics;

2008 - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’, speciality: ‘Marketing’, Master of Marketing.


12.2006 – 12.2007

Specialist of the Marketing Division of the Marketing and Advertising Department, Joint-Stock Commercial Bank TAS-Commerzbank;

12.2007 – 12.2007

Leading Specialist of the Marketing Division of the Marketing and Advertising Department, TAS-Commerzbank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank;

12.2007 – 11.2008

Leading Specialist of the Marketing Division of the Marketing and Advertising Department, OJSC Swedbank;

10.2010 – 11.2010

Chief Specialist of the Direct Marketing Division of the Marketing and Advertising Department, JSC Delta Bank;

12.2010 – 03.2011

Deputy Head of Marketing and Advertising, Financial Company Centre of Financial Solutions LLC;

01.2011 – 11.2014

Head of Marketing and Advertising, Financial Company Centre of Financial Solutions LLC;

12.2014 – 07.2015

Chief Specialist of the Marketing Department, Public Joint Stock Company ‘BANK “Clearing House”;

08.2015 – 12.2015

Head of Department, Promotion Outsourcing LLC;

02.2016 – 04.2016

Deputy Director for Technical Development, VENBEST-BEZpeka LLC;

05.2016 – 12.2016

Deputy Head of the Kyiv Regional Directorate, PJSC BANK TRUST;

02.2018 – 05.2019

начальник Комерційного відділу з продажу, ТОВ “ТІКЕТС КОНСОЛІДАТОР”;

02.2022 – 12.2022

Project Manager, State Enterprise ‘Information and Computing Centre of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine’;

01.2023 – 12.2023

Project Manager, Project Management Department, State Enterprise ‘Information and Computing Centre of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine’;

12.2023 – 08.2024

Project Manager of the Project Management Department of the Strategy and Development Department, State Enterprise ‘Information and Computing Centre of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine’

08.2024 – to this day

Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalisation, Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
